Over 80 in-person participants engaged
200+ virtual participants
100+ new member interest leads
Coverage by various news outlets and publications
Official launch and addition of Youth Development and Finance & Fundraising Committees
Newly launched social media platforms, including Twitter, Instagram & LinkedIn (Facebook soon to follow)
Updated SFBPA website, including addition of "Upcoming Events" and "Working Committee Groups"
Did you miss the program? If so, please check out the recap HERE !!
The South Florida Black Prosperity Alliance's mission is to align the advocacy and programmatic efforts of community stakeholders to increase economic and social prosperity across the Black Diaspora of South Florida.
We wish to bring awareness to issues diminishing the quality of Black lives and to amplify advocacy in order to effectuate lasting change, creating generational wealth for all in the Black Diaspora.

Our areas of focus are
- Community & Culture
- Education
- Jobs & Wealth
- Health
- Justice
- Youth

The focus will be embodied in activities that amplify advocacy, increase awareness to community issues and engage individuals.

South Florida Black Prosperity Alliance (SFBPA) is a non-profit coalition of civil rights activists, social justice advocates, business leaders, Black Chambers of Commerce, and community stakeholders across the South Florida Tri-county area. SFBPA participants share a desire to enhance the quality of life for all in the Black Diaspora across Broward, Miami-Dade, and Palm Beach counties.

Founding SFBPA members include various branches of the
- Haitian-American --------Chamber of ---------------Commerce
- Sant La Haitian ------------Neighborhood Center
- Miami-Dade Chamber --of Commerce
- Palm Beach Black --------Chamber of ----------Commerce
- Urban League of ---------Broward
- Circle of Brotherhood - One United Bank
- Opa-locka CDC
- Black Professionals -----Network
- 100 Black Men of --------South Florida, Inc.
- Black Owned Media ----Alliance
- Minority Builders --------Coalition
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